How to Add Participants to Your Project Site


Project sites are a virtual space in iLearn for a non-credit bearing courses, community events, student activities, club affairs, or other collaborative projects. They can be used to share materials, distribute information, and facilitate communication via Messages and Discussions and other iLearn tools.
To add people to your project site, you need Marist ID or official email address of the participant you are adding.

Step 1: After you log in to iLearn, Click Sites at the top right of the page. Go to your project site listed under Projects.


Step 2: Click Site Info available in the left side of your project side and Click on Add Participants.


Step 3: Add an official email address of the participant and click Continue.


Step 4: Choose a role for the participant you added and Click Continue.


Step 5: Select the option for sending an email to users notifying them about the site availability and Click Continue.


Step 6: Then click Finish to confirm the added participants.


Step 7: The added person then appears in the list of participants.