Documentation on creating Question Pools

Create a new assessment

1) Select Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu in your course site.


2) Enter the title for Assessment and Select “Create from text.” Then, click “Continue.”


3) Under “Create Assessment/Question Pool”, enter the description for your Assessment.


4) Below are several Instructions for the question types:


General Instructions:

In order for the questions and answers to be correctly parsed, it's crucial to distinguish between questions. To accomplish this, each question must begin with one of the following:

a) The word 'Question', followed by a number, followed by the number of points to assign enclosed in parentheses, optionally followed by the value of discount to assign in case of incorrect answer enclosed in parentheses, as in 'Question 23 (10 points) (2.5 discount)'.
b) The word 'Question', followed by this same parenthetical indication of points and optionally followed by the indication of discount in case of incorrect answer, as in 'Question (10 points) (2.5 discount)'.
c) The word 'Question', followed by a number, as in 'Question 1'. In this case, zero points will be assigned to that question.
d) A number, followed by a period, followed by the same parenthetical indication of points to assign, optionally followed by the same parenthetical indication of discount in case of incorrect answer, as in '1. (10 points) (2.5 discount)'
e) A number, followed by a period, in which case zero points will be assigned to that question.

The text of the question itself may be placed on this same line or below it, and should be followed by answers in the appropriate format for that question type. The parser will use this format to deduce the question type of the question.

To add correct feedback you need to add a line like this: '#FBOK: Text of the correct feedback'. In case of incorrect feedback the line must be '#FBNOK: Text of the incorrect feedback'.

5) Enter a format for your question type in the questions box.


6) You can now validate your questions and click “Create Question Pool” to create a question pool.


7) You can then view your Pools created under “Question Pools.”


Transfer the ownership:

1) Click “Transfer Ownership” in the top menu.


2) Select the pool required and click “Continue.”


3) Enter a valid username and click “Continue.”


4) Click Transfer Ownership.

Instructions for Multiple Choice question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: Each answer should begin with its appropriate letter, in alphabetical order. The correct answer should be prefixed with an asterisk (*).
Optionally, the key word #randomize will create questions with randomized answers
optionally, the key word #rationale will create questions with required rationale

1. (10 points) (2.5 discount)
Who was the first president of the United States?

*a. Washington 
b. Jefferson 
c. Lincoln 
d. Clinton

Instructions for Multiple Correct Answer question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: Each answer should begin with its appropriate letter, in alphabetical order. The correct answer should be prefixed with an asterisk (*).
Optionally, the key word #randomize will create questions with randomized answers
optionally, the key word #rationale will create questions with required rationale

2. (15 points)
Which of the writers below were American citizens at some point in their lives?

*a. Bill Faulkner 
b. Ginny Woolf 
*c. Tom Eliot

Instructions for Fill in the Blank Question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: The correct answer should be prefixed with an asterisk (*).

3. (5 points)
What color is a violet? ____


Instructions for Short Essay Question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: No answer should be provided for this question type.

4. (18 points)
Explain the purpose of education.

Instructions for True/False Question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: The correct answer should be prefixed with an asterisk (*). The incorrect answer can also be included, as below, though this is not necessary.
Optionally, the key word #rationale will create questions with required rationale

5. (7 points) (1.5 discount)
The sky is blue.


Instructions for Fill in Numeric Question type. (Click to Expand)

Instructions: The correct answer should be surrounded by curly brackets prefixed with asterisk "*{}" around numeric value(s) requiring blank response field(s). Example: 3*3=*{9}.Range: Insert a pipe "|" between a range of values. Example: The price is *{12.2|14.5}. Student answer between 12.2 and 14.5 will be considered valid. Scientific notation: A period or comma can be used as the decimal point marker and the letter "E" or "e" for exponent. Example: *{6.022E23} to express Avogadro’s number. Complex numbers should be in the form *{a + b} where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated valu es. Example: *{1+1i} is valid whereas *{1+i} is not. Similarly, *{0+9i} is valid whereas *{9i} is not.

6. (7 points)
What value has the pi constant? ____

*{3.1415 | 3.1416}