Faculty Documentation: Customize Site Tools
Editing Site Tools allows the instructor to add general and plugin tools to the list of tools that already exist in the current site. The "Tool Order" allows instructors to customize how they would like their left menu sidebar to look to their students.
Navigating the "Edit Site Tools":
First, go to the Site Info tool in your course site.
Click on the top of the page.
There will be a list of general tools that are available to every course in iLearn. Each tool will have a brief description underneath the tool name and a box to the left that you can check or uncheck.
4. There are many tools that already have checkmarks next to them and we recommend that you do not remove these tools as they are usually the essential tools needed for each course.
5. When you are satisfied with the tool selections, you can click Continue.
6. This will take you to a page that gives you a list of the tools you have previously selected. Double-check and make sure that all the tools that you wanted are on the list and that the tools that you decided to remove are not on the list.
7. Click Finish.
Tool Order:
Tool Order allows instructors to customize how they would like their left menu sidebar to look to their students.
TIP #1: Know which tools will be used most often in your class, and have those tools near the top of the page because there will be a better chance that students miss the tool if they do not see it within the first few tools.
Setting Up Tool Order:
- First, go to the Site Info tool in your course site.
- Click on the top of the page.
- There will be a list of tools that are assigned to that particular course. You can drag and drop the tool to determine its location on the page.
4. Every tool on the list will have an icon that looks like this which will allow you to access the settings for that tool.
TIP #1: We do not recommend editing the tool title for a majority of the tools.
TIP #2: If you want to delete a tool we recommend doing so through the Editing Site Tools tab (see separate documentation for details).
5. When you are done with the setup click Save for the order to go into effect.
REMEMBER: You can view the site as the student to see how the tool order looks from their perspective.