The Polls tool on iLearn allows instructors to post single question multiple choice survey questions on their site. Polls can be structured to elicit single or multiple responses to a question.
Results of a poll can be made available to students immediately, after voting, after the closing date, or never. Instructors can post any number of polls. If desired, instructor may also change the tool permissions to allow students to post poll questions.
Participants may only vote once per poll. Responses to poll questions are anonymous.
To access this tool, select polls from the tools menu in your site.

Example display of Polls list on Site

Student View of the Poll

Students see a list of polls (if more than one). When they click on the name of the poll, the poll is displayed. Students make their selection then click on Vote!
Note: By default, students can only vote once per poll question.
Example of Polling Results

How to add a new poll?
Go to polls,Select the Polls tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Note: If the Polls tool is not available on your site by default, you can add it to your site under Site Info > Manage Tools.

You may click the Add button or the Add a poll link to add a new poll.
Compose your Poll Question

Enter the poll question in the box marked Question and add additional information in the Rich Text Editor below if needed.
Adjust Poll Settings

a) Specify availability time and date.
b) Indicate limits on number of answers selected.
c) Choose when to make the results visible.
d) Click Save and add options when finished
Add First Answer/Option.

Add Second Answer/Option.

Enter the second answer option in the text box, then click Save and add options.
Continue this process of saving and adding options until you have added all of the options for the Poll question. On the last option click Save. This will display the Edit a Poll page with the poll options listed.
Click Save

This displays the Polls list page. Click Save to save your poll.
Note: If you need to edit or delete an option, click on the Edit or Delete links to the right of the option text.
To view the poll click on poll name

To view the results of poll click on Results

Example: Poll Results

How do I add an in-line question to a Lessons page?
Instructors can add either a Multiple Choice question or a Short Answer question directly to a Lessons Page. The questions can either be in poll form (no correct answer) or in graded form (correct answer).
Go to Lessons
a) Click on the Lessons Page Title in the Tool Menu to display the page.

Note: The default or blank Lessons page contains text and images that explain the basic functionality of the Lessons tool.
To add a Multiple choice question:
a. Click Add Content, then Add Question.

b. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Question.

Select Multiple Choice.

Add the question text and any additional settings as needed.
a. Enter the question text.
b. Enter the possible answer choices.
c. Place a checkmark to the left of the correct answer. (If this is a Multiple Choice poll with no correct answer, you may leave the correct answer check boxes blank.)
d. Click Add New Answer to add additional Multiple Choice answers if needed. (Optional)
e. Check the box for Show student a graph of how others responded after they answer the question if you want the question/poll results to be displayed. (Optional)
f. Check the box next to Grade this Question if you want the question to be automatically graded and recorded in the Gradebook tool. Also, enter a gradebook item title and point value in the boxes provided. (Optional)
g. Add feedback for correct student answers if desired. (Optional)
h. Check the box next to Don't release until all prerequisites are completed if you want to restrict this item based on completion of a prerequisite.
i. Check the box next to Require this item if you want to require students to complete the item before they can move on to subsequent Lessons pages or items. (Optional)
j. Click Save to save your question and return to the Lessons page.

View question on the page.
To make changes to the question, click Edit. (Optional)
To see student responses, click Show Grading Pane.

Students can also view the response to the question

To add a short answer question
a. Click Add Content.

b. From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Question.

c. Select Short Answer.

d. Add the question text and any additional settings as needed.

a. Enter the question text.
b. Enter the possible answer choices. All of the answers you list will be correct answers. (If this is a Short Answer poll with no correct answer, you may leave the answer boxes blank.)
c. Click Add New Answer to add additional Multiple Choice answers if needed. (Optional)
d. Check the box next to Grade this Question if you want the question to be automatically graded and recorded in the Gradebook tool. Also, enter a gradebook item title and point value in the boxes provided. (Optional)
e. Add feedback for correct student answers if desired. (Optional)
f. Add feedback for incorrect student answers if desired. (Optional)
g. Check the box next to don't release until all prerequisites are completed if you want to restrict this item based on completion of a prerequisite.
h. Check the box next to require this item if you want to require students to complete the item before they can move on to subsequent Lessons pages or items. (Optional)
i. Click Save to save your question and return to the Lessons page.
View question on the page.
To make changes to the question, click Edit. (Optional)
To see student responses, click Show Grading Panel.

This will display the student grades and responses.
Best practices on iLearn to create a Survey
The Tests & Quizzes tool may be set up to deliver surveys as well as other types of assessments. Survey question types may be added to a new or existing assessment. There are two types: a basic survey and a matrix of choices survey.
Tip: If you are delivering a survey, you may wish to set the assessment to anonymous when publishing the item, so that your survey responses will be gathered anonymously. See How do I view and modify the settings of an assessment? for more information on delivery options.
Go to Tests & Quizzes.
Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Select an assessment.
A survey question (either a basic survey or a matrix of choices) may be added to any assessment. Select an existing assessment or create a new one.
Create a new assessment.
For more information on creating new assessments, see How do I create an assessment?

Note: You may also add a question directly to a question pool or edit an existing assessment.
1.For a basic Survey, select Survey from the drop-down menu.

After selecting Survey from the drop-down menu, the program will open additional options for the question.
The Answer Point Value will default to zero.
Because basic surveys are not typically scored, the answer point value will default to zero. This setting cannot be changed.
a.Add Question Text.
Type the question text to the text box provided.

Note: To edit with Rich-Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.
b.Click Add Attachments to browse for and select a file attachment.

c.Select Answer(s) from list.
Select the desired answer format from the list.

d.Assign the question to a part of the assessment. (Optional)
The question can be added to a specific portion of the assessment, such as Part 1 or Part 2 (depending on how many parts exist). Part 1 is the default location.

e.Assign the question a Question Pool. (Optional)
The question may also be added to a Question Pool, if desired.

f.Provide Feedback. (Optional)
Feedback is optional text available for students to view.

Note: To edit with Rich-Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.
g.Click Save.
Click Save to save the question (or Cancel to exit).
2.For a matrix of choices survey, select Survey - Matrix of Choices from the drop-down menu.

After selecting Survey - Matrix of Choices from the drop-down menu, the program will open additional options for the question.
a.Add an Answer Point Value.

b.Add Question Text.
c.Add Attachment. (Optional)
d.Enter Answer Options.
Input the desired choices for Row Choices and Column choices in the corresponding boxes. Press Return after each choice to separate the items.

e.Select forced ranking. (Optional)
Check the box for Allow Only One Response per Column if forced ranking is desired.
f.Add Comments field. (Optional)
Check the box to Add Comment Field in the survey if desired.

g.Specify Relative Column Width. (Optional)
The drop-down menu is available to regulate column and row width. The widths are based in percentages.

h.Assign the question to a part of the assessment. (Optional)
i.Assign the question a Question Pool. (Optional)
j.Provide Feedback. (Optional)
k.Click Save.
3.For a Multiple Choice question, select Multiple Choice from the drop-down menu.

After selecting Multiple Choice from the drop-down menu, the program will open additional options for the question.
a.The Answer Point Value will default to zero.(The answer point value will default to zero. This setting can be changed and a score can be given.)
b.Add Question Text.
c.Add Attachment.
d.Select Answer(s) from list.
Select the desired answer format from the list.

e.Assign the question to a part of the assessment. (Optional) e.
f.Assign the question a Question Pool. (Optional)
g.Provide Feedback. (Optional)
h.Click Save.
4.For a Short Answer/Essay question, select Short Answer/Essay from the drop-down menu.

After selecting Short Answer/Essay from the drop-down menu, the program will open additional options for the question.
a.The Answer Point Value will default to zero.
The answer point value will default to zero. This setting can be changed.
b.Add Question Text.
Note: To edit with Rich-Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.
c.Add Attachment.
d.Provide a model Answer.

e.Assign the question to a part of the assessment. (Optional)
f.Assign the question a Question Pool. (Optional)
g.Provide Feedback. (Optional)
h.Click Save.
For more information on question types visit