Guest Access for iLearn Sites

Type of Access

Tools  Permissions


Guest lecturer, already a Marist faculty member Resources

Course instructor contacts digital education requesting access for guest lecturer. Provide course name/section, guest lecture Marist e-mail. 2-3 day lead time.

Guest lecturer, non-Marist faculty
(face to face or online guest)

Course instructor contacts tech help to
request access for guest lecturer.
Provide course name/section, guest lecturer name and e-mail. 2 week lead time.

Note: If your guest only needs to join via WebEx, they do not need this process, only the link to the WebEx session.

Adjunct learning about course Depends on level of requested access and timing of course

Once the adjunct is notified that the ir contract is approved/finalized, then they will have the account. The instructor of the course should then contact Digital Education to allow the adjunct Guest access; please cc the adjunct on this mail.

Note: If the adjunct wants to view completed courses there are no FERPA violations. If the adjunct wants to view in progress courses, he/she can take the Instructor role if teaching the same course for next semester (like a TA role).

Community partners (cooperating teachers, fieldwork coordinator, practicum supervisor) who need to access and submit info Project Site

If each community partner is provided with a “Letter of Assignment,” Marist can provide them with a web site and add them to an iLearn project site where they can access resources and submit information.

The Dean should send the list of approved community partners to

Contract faculty teaching specialty courses (e.g. Study Abroad in-country) Instructor – All Roles

After receiving the Letter of Assignment they can contact Digital Education
to set up @marist account and then receive instructor status for iLearn sites.

A copy of the Letter of Assignment should be received by DE/IT automatically.

Faculty should follow up after a week to check about account.

Tenure Review Committee Member Guest Access
Assignments (student view, not results/ Gradebook)
R&T members can contact DE at start of semester to request