iLearn Overview

This video includes:

  • Details about iLearn and the various tools useful for Faculty and Student interaction.



What is iLearn?

iLearn, which stands for Innovative Learning Environment and Research Network, is a web-based “collaborative learning environment” built to support formal and informal collaboration, ranging from fully online and face-to-face courses to faculty committee work and student clubs.  The system provides a range of communication and information management tools designed to facilitate interactions with content, between instructor and students, and peer to peer.

iLearn is a toolbox for teaching, learning, and collaboration. You can pick and choose any combination of tools in it that fits your needs. You don’t have to know all of them to get started. See the next section for a matrix of iLearn tools and their functions. 

How do I access or “login” to iLearn?

To login to the system, follow these simple steps:                                                         


1. Open up a web browser[1] and go to                                                                                   

IMPORTANT: The support links to FAQs, tutorials and tip sheets are under “Teach”, “Learn”, and “Collaborate” on the login page.

2. Click on the Log In button in the upper right corner.

3. Enter in your Marist Account information (Please contact the Marist Help Desk at (845) 575-HELP or at with account related questions).

How do I access iLearn on mobile devices?

iLearn is mobile friendly. You may access iLearn using web browsers on your mobile devices.

NOTE: Although iLearn is mobile responsive, we highly recommend that any items that are time sensitive or grade dependent (such as tests and assignments) be completed or submitted from a full-sized, Ethernet connected device.

How do I log out of iLearn?

Once you are done using iLearn, click on the Log Out button of your profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen, and then close your browser and all open tabs.     


[1]NOTE: We recommend that you use the latest versions of the FireFox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer web browsers.

How do I access my course or project site?

1. Home Button

Once you login to iLearn, you will be placed in your “Home.”  This is the main area for important system announcements (MESSAGE OF THE DAY), iLearn site settings, and aggregated notifications of your site messages and events.  

2. Favorite Sites

Your favorite sites show up in the top red banner area for easy access. Click on any one of them to go to the site directly.

3. Active Sites 

You can access your active course and project sites by clicking on the Sites button in the top right corner. Click the star to the left of a course or project site to make it a favorite and then click Organize Favorites to sort your favorite sites along the top banner. There are also action buttons to create a new site and set up your iLearn preferences.

4. Profile Icon

Click your profile icon to access your iLearn profile management page. You also have access to pages to set up iLearn preferences, create new site, and look up tutorial.  

5. Breadcrumb Navigation

The breadcrumbs across the top indicate which course or project site you are in and which tool you are using. Click the tool name to refresh and return to the main page of that tool. To return to the site's home page, click the site name.

6. Message of the Day
Important system announcement are posted here. Look out for system outage or maintenance schedule here.

Teach, Learn and Collaborate with iLearn Tools


Teach, Learn and Collaborate with iLearn Tools



Overview of Best Practices for Using iLearn Tools (Click To Expand)

Overview of Best Practices for Using iLearn Tools

PLEASE NOTE: This table provides only an abbreviated look at commonly used tools and their recommended best practices. For the complete best practices along with step by step instructions for each tool, please refer to the appropriate page listed in the Table of Contents.


Work Flowchart of Course Site Setup (Click To Expand)