Student Profiles: Ramana Reddy Battula
Ramana Reddy Battula is a graduate student majoring in Information Systems and a minor in Business Analytics who shared his experience at Marist College.
Student Profiles: Ramana Reddy Battula
Ramana Reddy Battula is a graduate student majoring in Information Systems and a minor in Business Analytics.
Why did you choose Marist?
The first reason I chose Marist College was that Marist offers a great pool of well-respected professors within the Computer Science and Mathematics department, such as Professor Chris Algozzine, Professor James E. Helmreich, and Professor Eitel J.M. Lauria.
I was also impressed with the partnership between Marist college and IBM. I believed this would help us give access to business professionals from the industry.
In addition I was drawn to the college's location. I was given an opportunity to study by living in a peaceful and beautiful environment, while being close to New York City, one of the major cities of America.
What is your favorite thing about working for Digital Education?
I would have a difficult time singling out just one favorite, but if I had to pick one it would be the people, I have been able to work with and learn from, during my time at Digital Education. To be more precise, I am part of a global open-source community through which I learned many various skills related to technical Quality Assurance Testing.
What is your favorite thing about Marist?
The thing that I will always remember Marist for is the river that flows beside it. The sense of calm and peace it brings in me is something that I try to carry with me always.
When you graduate, what do you hope to be able to do?
After graduation, I want to be part of an organization and improve my technical skills and personal skills so that I can become a better person and a better human being. My plan is to continue to be a part of Sakai open-source community and contribute – and learn – as much as I can.