Student Documentation: Posting to Tips Sheet
Posting to Discussions
Understanding Discussions
DISCUSSION - Represents the top level of the discussion hierarchy (e.g. Week One, Unit One, etc.) and can be thought of as the room you might reserve to hold a discussion.
TOPIC - Represents the mid-level in the discussion hierarchy (e.g. Chapter One Questions) and be thought of as the questions you would write on the board for the group to discuss.
CONVERSATION - Represents the lower-level of the discussion hierarchy (e.g. Answers to Chapter One Questions) and would represent the conversations that take place around each topic.
Posting to an Online Discussions Discussion
1. Click on the Discussions link off the left menu bar.
2. If directed, click the Read full Description link under the appropriate Discussion/Topic to review information provided by your instructor.
3. To begin the discussion, click on the appropriate Topic (e.g. Class Introductions).
a. If useful, click the Read Full Description link again to re-access instructor information.
4. To add your initial posting, click the Start a new conversation button on the top menu bar.
a. TIP: Click the Printer Icon for a printer friendly version of the entire discussion thread.
5. Enter a title and then the message text using the Rich Text Editor.
a. WARNING: If you are copying text from MS Office, be sure to use the Paste from Word button () to avoid getting garbled symbols in your posting.
6. If desired, attach a file using the Add Attachment button.
7. When you are finished, click the Post button.
Reading and Replying to Discussions Postings
1. Click on the title of a particular Conversation (e.g. Hello from..) to see the original posting and all of the associated replies.
2. To reply to a message, click the Reply button ().
3. Enter in a title and text of your reply and then click the Post button.
4. TIP: Once you read a message click the small envelope icon () to mark it as "read". Alternatively, click the Mark All as Read button on the top menu bar to mark all of the messages on the screen as being read. This will help you know which messages you need to read the next time you sign into your course.