How to Create Your Project Site
Project sites are a virtual space in iLearn for a non-credit bearing courses, community events, student activities, club affairs, or other collaborative projects. They can be used to share materials, distribute information, and facilitate communication via Messages and Discussions and other iLearn tools.
To create a project site, you need to be a member of Marist College with a valid Marist ID. When using Worksite Setup tool, choose "Project" template to create a project site.
Please Note:
1. The Create New Site button is added to the Site button and the profile icon on the top red banner area for quick access.
2. Unpublished sites can be published with a single click. The button cannot be missed! See description on the next page.
Steps for Creating New Project Sites
Step 1: Access the Site Creation/Worksite Setup tool
When you log in to iLearn, you have three ways to access the “Create New Site” button:
- Click Sites at the top right of the page, and you will see the Create New Site button.
2. On the top right corner, click the profile icon, and you will see the Create New Site button, or
3. You can also go to your Home Page, then click Worksite Setup tool on the left menu and then click New Site button.
Step 2: Select your template
Choose Create Site from template and then choose Project Template
1. Click Project and at the drop down select Project Template.
2. Check the box for Copy Content (optional).
Step 3: Notification of the new site will show up on the top of the page
You will see the project site listed under the Sites icon on the top right corner of the iLearn interface. Go to Sites to make it your favorite site.
Step 4: Publish your Project
You may publish the site right away. We recommend you update content in the site before publishing it
REMINDER: You can also change your course status by clicking on Site Info -> Manage Access.