Creating Groups is a way for instructors to customize their course to give students the ability to communicate and have their own space on the site for working on assignments and projects together in their assigned groups.
Recommendations for Creating Groups
TIP #1: You can select more than one name at once by using SHIFT+Click for consecutive names. Use CTRL +Click to select more than one non-consecutive name.
TIP #2: You can Click + drag up or down the site member list to select more than one name.
Creating a New Group
First, go to the Site Info tool in your course site.
on the top of the page.
You will now want to click on
to begin the creation process.

Creating a Joinable Group
Go to the Site Info tool.
on the top of the page.
You will now click on
which will bring you to the following image:

RECOMMENDATION: Joinable groups allow students to pick their own groups. Given this, it would be best to select the following options, "Allow user to see group membership before joining" and "Allow members to see the other members of these groups after joining.”
Joining a Group
1. Students will go to their Site Info tool.
2. Students will see a drop-down menu; Groups you can join. Each student will choose one group to join.

3. Once the students have joined groups they will see an image similar to this:

4. If the instructor has allowed the students to view who is in each group, each student can click on Membership to view the list of names and email addresses associated with everyone who has already joined the group.