Faculty Showcase Series Spring 2018 (Click to Expand)

Engaging Students with Panopto and Webex

Dr. James Melitski - Associate Professor, School of Management

Dr. James Melitski, Associate Professor for the School of Management, has recently dedicated his time and efforts to piloting many of the new tools Digital Education has to offer by implementing creative practices and leading engaging initiatives to further engage his students in his online courses. These tools include Panopto for screen capture and WebEx for virtual conferencing for use by both faculty and students. Dr. Melitski will share his experiences and best practices for implementing these tools for optimal student success. Dr. Melitski’s presentation is a great introductory precursor and practical use example to benefit faculty looking to implement these tools this semester.


Memos to Memes
Opening up All Forms of Communication

Ms. Patricia Barniak-Atkinson - School of Communication and the Arts

Memos to memes grew out of frustration with a SILENT 6 - 9 pm Communication Research Class. When students went online - WOW THEY OPENED UP! Come and see how we could embrace all the “tools” in our communication toolbox to gain knowledge and hopefully turn that into respect and ... dare I suggest WISDOM!

Flyer: Faculty Showcase Pat Atkinson.pdf


EDUC 351

Dr. Jane Bean-Folkes - School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

• Collaborative Lesson Plan: How would YOU like to create vlogs to record your thoughts from your experiences?
• Using Vlogs to Reflect on Literacy Fieldwork Experiences: Take this opportunity to learn and draw connections to your own courses!
• The Art of Concise Presentation: Come engage with Dr. Bean-Folkes on a personal level to review your progress, and address individual concerns!
Flyer: Faculty Showcase Jane Bean-Folkes.pdf

Faculty Showcase Series Fall 2017 (Click to Expand)

Go Green with iLearn!
The Paperless Classroom...

Ms. Terri Garofalo - School of Communication and the Arts

How would you like to:
• Walk into your classroom with NOTHING?
• Have all your material at your fingerprints?
• Eliminate paper tests and submissions?
• Provide absentees with lecture material?
• Digitally display and critique projects?
• Effectively engage students, and monitor participation?
• Reuse course content for many years to come?
If you relish the idea of an earth-friendly sustainable classroom, and enjoy a hands-free approach, this is for you! Come and Explore masterful ways to run your classroom with iLearn.
Flyer: Faculty Showcase Terri Garofalo.pdf