How can Faculty use the Messages tool?

What is the Messages tool? The Messages tool offers a convenient way to send and receive private messages to other members enrolled in the course site. Each course site has its own Messages tool. For example, if you are enrolled in two course sites (Site 1 & Site 2) you will have two separate inboxes, one in each site. When in Site 1 you may send and receive messages to and from members of Site 1. When in Site 2 you may send and receive message to and from members of Site 2.

The Messages tool is like email in some respects but with two fundamental differences. The Messages tool does not use external email addresses. Instead, you simply select the person you wish to write to from the list of enrolled site participants. Also, messages do not leave the system. They are not carried over the Internet like email is; therefore, they remain self-contained within the course or project site.