Certificate Track - Optimize Face-to-Face

Have you wanted to use iLearn in your face to face courses? This certificate track is designed to help you maximize that face to face time with students by using iLearn. You will be equipped to use iLearn to promote collaborative student work and to promote higher order thinking skills.

1. Produce Quality Video (WebEx, Powtoons, Panopto) (Click to Expand)

Do you record your self-introduction video, use lecture-capture videos, or release Vlogs to your students? Come play with various video production tools and learn tips and tricks to produce quality videos for your class.

2. Use tool to promote higher Order Thinking (Click to Expand)

Optimize your face to face time with your students and increase your online faculty presence to increase active learning and quality student contributions. Using the digital environment to foster collaborative space can lend itself to building and promoting an online learning community to facilitate the sharing of ideas, communication, and engagement to support both online and face-to-face courses. How can you use this space to build on student engagement and collaboration? What tools and options are available to you in this digital space? How can iLearn be leveraged to promote collaboration in various course environments? This session is designed to share tips, tricks, and ideas for using tools in the online environment to build a learning community, create and customize groups, promote higher-order thinking and create collaborative tasks and projects in a digital world for collaboration, communication, and engagement.

3. Green Screen (Click to Expand)

Do you record your self-introduction video, use lecture-capture videos, or release Vlogs to your students? Come play in Digital Education's video studio and production tools. 

Learn to develop an approach to scripts and discuss the idea of storyboarding.

4. Screen Capture (Click to Expand)

Screen capture lends many benefits to the online environment. Have you considered flipping your classroom to allow for knowledge requisition prior to your class session?  This allows you to dedicate synchronous sessions to group work and student engagement. Short video lecture for content support would allow your students to repeat difficult concepts and instruction throughout the course. Videos and screen capture can also be leveraged to bring your course content to life while providing students with various modes and styles of instruction.