Importing Content from another Course Site

To import content from one site to another, go to the site that you want the content to appear in.

Step 1 : Click on Course Admin.
 image of a  highlighted grey  button labeled "Course Admin".

Step 2 : Click on Import/Export/Copy Components
 image of  menu item labeled "Import / Export / Copy Components" with a green icon.

Step 3 : Click on Search for Offering
 image of a  radio button labeled "Copy Components from another Org Unit". Below it, a text field and a button labeled "Search for offering" are present. There is also a checkbox labeled "Include protected resources."

Step 4 : Search for the course, and check the box next to the one you want to use the content from. Click on Add Selected. A search box is shown.Below it, a table lists the search results with "Offering Code" and "Offering Name" as headers.

Step 5: At the bottom of the page, click on Copy All Components to bring everything over, or Select Components to bring over certain items. If you choose Select Components, choose the items you want to bring over either by each tool as a whole, or specify items within the tool you want to copy.

  image of  two buttons positioned next to each other. The first button is labeled "Copy All Components," and the second button is labeled "Select Components.

Step 6 : The content will start to be copied over. I would recommend remaining on this page until the import has been completed.
image of a loading bar indicating that the process is ongoing and is  labeled "Copying in Progress".

 Digital Education  Phone:  845-575-3572    Location:  Library 305

Background image of a high-angle, wide shot of Marist's picturesque campus, nestled along the tranquil river at sunset.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the tool, please don’t hesitate to contact us.