Instructor Brightspace Tool: Course Builder

The Course Builder user interface consists of three sections: Toolbox, Course Tree, and Selected Node Panel. The Toolbox allows you to build Outline, Add Content, and Browse Tools. The course tree is a visual representation of your course structure. It displays the hierarchy of your course content as a series of nested nodes. When you select a node in the course tree, the selected node panel displays its details and enables you to perform actions on that node.

Digital Education Resources

Check back soon for these resources. Thank you for your patience!

A black outline drawing of an empty container with an 'X' inside a speech bubble above it, symbolizing an empty archive.


Brightspace Tutorials

Brightspace community video tutorials:

 Digital Education  Phone:  845-575-3572    Location:  Library 305

Background image of a high-angle, wide shot of Marist's picturesque campus, nestled along the tranquil river at sunset.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the tool, please don’t hesitate to contact us.