Instructor Brightspace Integration: Macmillan Learning
Macmillan is a textbook publisher available through Bookstore. The Macmillan Integration in Brightspace allows access to Achieve, Sapling, and LaunchPad. The Macmillan Integration allows instructors to link to Macmillan content and assignments. Note that an email address and password may be required to create a Macmillan account. The user should not use their password. Login and password information should be unique.
Linking Macmillan Learning to Brightspace
The steps below will associate Macmillan learning content to your Brightspace course site. Once connected, Macmillan content will be available to the class via the Macmillan Learning LTI tool.
1. In your Brightspace course site, click on the Content Tool in the course navigation bar.
2. Create a new Unit or Lesson, or locate the Unit or Lesson in which you would like to place the Macmillan Learning content.
3. Click the Add Existing button.
4. Click on More.
5. Select Macmillan LTI 1.3 Content.
6. Click on Connect with LaunchPad.
7. In LaunchPad, click Associate next to the desired course.
8. Click Yes and Associate This Course.
9. Click Okay and close the browser tab.
10. Back in Brightspace, close the Course Tools windows by clicking the x button.
11. The course is now linked.
Adding Macmillan Learning Tools to the Course Site
To give students access to the Macmillan Learning Tools menu from the Brightspace course site, please follow the steps below.
1. In your Brightspace course site, click on the Content Tool in the course navigation bar.
2. Select or Create the unit you want to add the Macmillan Course Tools to.
3. Click the Add Existing button.
4. Click on External Tool Activity and then Macmillan LTI 1.3 Course Course Tools.
5. Course Tools now appear in the selected unit.
Adding Macmillan Learning Content to the Course Site
To give students access to the Macmillan Learning content directly from the Brightspace course site, please follow the steps below.
1. In your Brightspace course site, click on the Content Tool in the course navigation bar.
2. Select or Create the unit you want to add the Macmillan Course Tools to.
3. Click the Add Existing button.
4. Click on More .
5. Select Macmillan Content.
6. Select the item(s) to add.
7. Scroll down to the right and click Deploy Selected Content.
8. The content you selected will appear as a link in the unit.
Note: Only Macmillan content that you have assigned with a due date can be added as a direct content link. If the content has not been created as an assignment it will display an error message.
Macmillan Learning Instructor Guide
The following is a guide to the Macmillan Learning using a general Brightspace interface.
Note: The button names may differ from Brightspace but the steps remain the same.
Instructor guide to LTI Advantage (LTI 1.3) integration with D2L/Brightspace
Student Registration and Grades
Students will become registered and have access to the Macmillan Learning course when they click on the link to the Macmillan Learning content from the Brightspace course site.
Grades will be automatically synced from Macmillan Learning to the Brightspace Gradebook as assignments or tasks are completed.
While Marist IT provides access to the Macmillan Learning integration in Brightspace, support for Mcmillan Learning is provided by Macmillan.
Digital Education Phone: 845-575-3572 Location: Library 305
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the tool, please don’t hesitate to contact us.