Instructor Brightspace Integration: McGraw Hill Connect
McGraw Hill Connect is an online course content and assignment tool associated with specific subjects. The McGraw Hill Connect Integration connects Brightspace with McGraw Hill Connect and allows instructors to add assignments to the Brightspace course site. Students are passed to the McGraw Hill Connect environment via the links in Brightspace, and graded assignments will pass grades to the Brightspace grade book. McGraw Hill Connect is not an Service. Support for McGraw Hill Connect is provided by McGraw Hill.
Note: Students will be required to enter their license key and set up a McGraw Hill account before they can access the content.
Linking McGraw Hill Connect to Brightspace
Follow the steps below to link McGraw Hill Connect to your Brightspace course site. Once connected, assignments created in McGraw Hill Connect can be deployed to the Content Tool in the Brightspace course site.
Note: Copying McGraw Hill Connect links from a previous course site may result in issues pairing the Brightspace course site with the McGraw Hill Connect course site. If links are copied from a previous site please delete the links from the content area and follow the instructions below to link the course.
1. In your Brightspace course site, click on the Content Tool in the course navigation bar.
2. Create a new Unit or Lesson, or locate the Unit or Lesson in which you would like to place the McGraw Hill Connect content.
3. Click the Add Existing button.
4. Select the McGraw Hill Connect quicklink, if you do not see the McGraw Hill Connect quicklink, click the More button.
5. If this is the first time using the McGraw Hill Connect integration in the course you will be asked to create or login to a McGraw Hill account. Click Create Account to create a new McGraw Hill Connect account. If you have used McGraw Hill Connect previously you can login to an existing account.
6. Once logged into McGraw Hill Connect, follow the prompts to complete setting up your McGraw Hill Connect section.
7. Once you have completed setting up your McGraw Hill Connect section it will be linked to the Brightspace course site.
Note: the quicklink window may close after the course has been linked. To confirm that the course is linked, click the Add Existing button in the Content Tool and select the McGraw Hill Connect quicklink. You will see options for the McGraw Hill section.
Adding McGraw Hill Connect Assignments to Brightspace
All links created from the McGraw Hill Connect Integration are assignments. To link to specific content in McGraw Hill Connect, create a reading assignment, reading assignments do not create grade items in Brightspace. Various other assignment types are available in McGraw Hill Connect. For more information about the different types of assignments in McGraw Hill Connect, contact your McGraw Hill representative or visit McGraw Hill Connect support.
1. In your Brightspace course site, click on the Content Tool in the course navigation bar.
2. Create a new Unit or Lesson, or locate the Unit or Lesson in which you would like to place the McGraw Hill Connect assignment.
3. Click the Add Existing button.
4. Select the McGraw Hill Connect quicklink, if you do not see the McGraw Hill Connect quicklink, click the More button.
5. Click the link to Go to my Connect Section.
6. Click the Add Assignment tab in the Connect Section to go to the assignments options.
7. Create the assignment for the section.
8. Once an assignment is created, it must be deployed to Brightspace. Click the Assignments tab in the Connect Section.
9. Check the box next to the assignment to be added to the Brightspace course site.
10. Click the assignments dropdown icon at the top of the assignments list and select Deploy/Manage.
11. Select the grading option for the assignment.
12. Click the Deploy button.
13. The quicklink window will appear, reminding you not to close the window. The window will close and the link will be added to the Brightspace course site.
14. Assignments added to the Brightspace course site will create gradebook items associated with the assignment and grades will pass from McGraw Hill Connect to the Brightspace gradebook, with the exception of reading assignments.
15. Assignments and grades can be synced or resynced at any time by clicking the McGraw Hill quicklink and selecting Grade sync.
Confirm Gradebook Items
Please note that gradebook items generated by integrations are automatically included in final grades for gradebooks with a weighted grade scheme. Gradebooks that are not setup with a weighted scheme may find that grades from external learning tools are excluded from final grade calculations. To check the status and/or include the grades passed from the integration in to the final grade calculations:
1. Click on Grades in the Brightspace course site navigation bar.
2. Navigate to the gradebook column created by the integration.
3. Click the drop down menu in the column and select Edit.
4. Scroll down and uncheck the box next to Exclude from Final Grade Calculation.
5. Unchecking the box will ensure that the grade for that column is included in the final grade calculations.
6. This process should be repeated for each integration created gradebook item for which the grade should be included in the final grade calculation.
While Marist IT provides access to the McGraw Hill Connect integration in Brightspace, support for McGraw Hill Connect is provided by McGraw Hill.
Digital Education Phone: 845-575-3572 Location: Library 305
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the tool, please don’t hesitate to contact us.