Faculty Showcase Series 2018 - 2019

Dr. Jennifer Robinette

Learn through an interactive hands-on Workshop how to explore iLearn Paths Less Traveled!

Dr. Elizabeth Purinton-Johnson

Learn how to to create an assignment for students which would engage all five of their senses, build suspense and leverage novelty and surprise to captivate them.

Melinda Weisberg

Learn about different experiences hitting the right balance among the Lecture, Stimulation, and Authentic Engagement.

Dr. Katherine Dill

Learn how to apply unique practices in education.

Brigid Shanley

Learn about the opportunities that peer review can open up to you.

A teal rectangular box with the Marist logo on the left and bold text "Using iLearn" on the right .

iLearn Paths Less Traveled!

Jennifer Robinette - Assistant Professor Communication & Public Relations

This Faculty Showcase will feature Jennifer Robinette as hosting an interactive hands-on Workshop to explore iLearn Paths Less Traveled! 

For example, did you know that you can increase your efficiency by thinking INSIDE the textbox and your home resources folder? Learn tips like these and how to forge new paths in iLearn by using commonly available tools in uncommon ways.

Using All Five Senses for Deeper, Active Learning, and Enhancing Student Engagement

Elizabeth Purinton-Johnson is an Associate Professor at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York.  She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Rhode Island.  While in graduate school, she was awarded the Graduate Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Rhode Island.  Dr. Purinton-Johnson is a fellow of the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium.  

The goal of her project, was to create an assignment for students which would engage all five of their senses, build suspense and leverage novelty and surprise to captivate them right in the first week of their MBA Marketing Management course. The inspiration came in the form of an article in Smithsonian magazine on the 80-year history of SPAM® (a canned meat product produced by Hormel). 

Come and join her for this engaging presentation and supportive collaboration of ideas.

Classroom Technology: Hitting the Sweet Spot

Melinda Weisberg - Assistant Professor, School of Management

sweet spot-n , an optimum point or combination of factors or qualities.

While the Digital Natives in our classrooms are experts at operating technology, managing it is another story.  The struggle is equally real for even the most expert faculty.  How do we hit the right balance among the Lecture, Stimulation, and Authentic Engagement?  These are the questions that drive many faculty. This interactive session is all about sharing the successes on our road trips, and maybe a couple of times things didn't go as planned along the way.

A teal rectangular box with the Marist logo on the left and bold text "Using iLearn" on the right .

Thinking Outside of the Box: One Educator's Quest to use Innovation and Creativity in the Classroom and Beyond

Katherine Dill - Assistant Professor & Field Education Coordinator, Social Work

This Faculty Showcase will feature one educator's individual case study using various technological tools and platforms, including iLearn, WebEx and more, to create a culture of inspired learning. From the use of avatars in learning simulations and digital internship fairs to video blogs and voice reflective exercises, this educator shares her own experiences. Katharine shares her perspectives on what has been successful and challenging as a result of thinking outside of the educational box, focusing on creating an educator's mindset that is geared towards innovation and creativity inside and outside the classroom setting. 
She hopes to inspire and learn from others about how to apply unique practices in education.  Come and join her for what is hoped to be a lively conversation and sharing of ideas.

Using peer review in iLearn, avoid my mistakes

Brigid Shanley -  Program Coordinator, Accelerated Degree Program - Medical Technology

As an instructor, I know what I am looking for when I grade my assignments.  When I add the option of peer assessment to an assignment, I have found that there are more learning opportunities in the assignment than I knew to look for.  Students all approach assignments from a different perspective and can add to the learning experience for any given assignment because they are frequently looking to help their classmates out.  As the instructor, I am more often interested in looking for what I designed the assignment to bring out.  The opportunity that peer review can open up to you is that your students will learn - frequently things you never thought of.  Getting the peer review correct will allow not only the students, but also the instructor to get more from the assignment than was intended.

Past Faculty Presentations

If you're interested in exploring SoTL, giving a presentation, or collaborating, feel free to contact us!

 Digital Education  Email: digital.education@marist.edu  Phone:  845-575-3572    Location:  Library 305

 Phone:  845-575-3572 

  Digital Education  

 Location:  Library 305